
Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /var/www/html/califadev/includes/menu.inc).

enkilibrary.org is the first statewide eBook platform created by libraries for libraries.
enki Library logoWith over 60,000 eBook titles in the shared collection, enki provides library subscribers with a turnkey, ready-made, librarian-curated collection of  popular fiction and nonfiction genres including romance, mysteries, travel, technical, crafts, cooking and more.

New Always-Available Collections include:

  • Library Journal SELF-e Select - unlimited downloadable collection of self-published SELF-e titles, curated by Library Journal staff
  • Short Stories & Essays - unlimited downloadable shorts and essay singles
  • Recovered Classics - unlimited downloadable collection of recovered classic literature. Recovering the Classics artwork is licensed for use by California libraries. View/download the images here.
  • Encyclopedias - unlimited downloadable reference encyclopedias 
  • 900 Graphic Novels coming soon!

For more information/resources: