About Us
Our Mission: To provide cost effective delivery of services, programs, and products through a membership network of California libraries.
Califa Group is a nonprofit library membership consortium of more than 220 libraries and is the largest library network in California. Founded in 2004, Califa brokers and facilitates the procurement of library products; works closely with the California State Library in administering a number of statewide projects supported by federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, such as the enki Library ebook platform; offers Continuing Education training through the Infopeople project, and manages master contracts and pricing agreements with publishers and vendors. With years of experience and a network of professional contacts, Califa has demonstrated capacity and experience in grant program design, delivery, and management.
Our membership includes all sizes and types of libraries – academic, research, public, school, corporate, medical, law, and special. A Board of Directors, elected by and from the membership, governs Califa, which is based in San Mateo, CA.
Califa History
Califa is built on more than thirty years of successful statewide cooperative system experience. When the Library of California was denied State funds, a new model of service delivery was suggested by a group of California librarians. Califa was launched with a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the California State Library in July, 2003. Other support for the organization’s start-up is provided as cash and in-kind funding from Charter Members.
Califa Services
- Digital Resources Broker: we negotiate pricing agreements and group purchases with more than 60 Califa-approved vendors
- Library Procurement Services: we are a single approved vendor from whom libraries can purchase multiple vendor products
- Vendor Prototyping Services: we work with vendors to pilot new projects, products and beta test new functionality
- Grant Partner & Fiscal Agent: we partner to pitch and manage grant projeccts
- Continuing Education/Professional Development: we are the fiscal agent for the Infopeople℠ project
- Broadband: we are the Statewide Broadband Aggregator for the California State Library Broadband Services Project (CENIC project).
- enki Library: we offer subscriptions to a shared ebook platform for California libraries that supports ownership of content purchases and broadens and deepens a library's eBook collection
Califa People
The Board of Directors set the policies and direction of Califa, but our members and their staff are involved in all the activities and services being developed by Califa. Califa has developed strategic partnerships with other California consortia and professional organizations to avoid duplication of effort and increase efficiencies. Contact: