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1. Recovering the Classics artwork is licensed for California Libraries!

Recovering the Classics is a crowdsourced collection of original covers for great works in the public domain. Califa is the first to license these amazing covers for California libraries and to help bring these refreshed classics to libraries and schools nationwide.

The artwork in this collection has been licensed 2015-2020 for California libraries to use to promote ebooks and reading. The ebook titles will be made available on enki Library in the coming months.

2. Sample Press Release to send to local media:
You can use it as a template, substituting your own information and quotes.

3. Website copy:  enki is an eBook platform created by librarians where you will find new gems, classic novels and eye-opening nonfiction. It’s your only source for encyclopedias, short stories, and bestsellers before they catch fire. Indulge your curiosity!

4.  Logo for your website: download