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Califa is a membership-driven organization. Based upon the priorities of member-libraries, the following services and benefits have been established.
Books and Reference Materials

  • Califa has developed a contract with Brodart for significant discounts on reference books and other library materials

Conference Discounts

  • Califa saves member libraries thousands of dollars each year in registration discounts for staff attending the Internet Librarian Conference.

eBook Collections

  • Califa, in partnership with Contra Costa County Library, created the Enki ebook platform, a consortium-owned ebook platform with content purchased directly from publishers. Learn more about it here.
  • A shared Safari Tech Books collection of all the current titles from O'Reilly and other major technology publishers.
  • Discounted pricing on other ebook products from EBSCO, Books 24x7, and others is available

Database Discounts

  • Califa has a growing list of master contracts with vendors for discounted databases, including Gale, EBSCO, ProQuest, HW Wilson, Learning Express, and many others.

Database Reviews

  • As part of its member package, Califa offers the Charleston Advisor, one of the premier sources for database reviews for libraries.
  • As part of the process of vetting potential vendors, we form Product Review teams to formally review new products. These reviews are published, and available to all members.
  • Califa also manages several electronic listservs that members may utilize to share experiences with products and services.

Fundraising and Financial Services

  • Califa will provide financial services for members including escrow accounts and centralized ordering.

Statewide Programs

  • Califa is a partner with the California State Library in many of their projects including the 2012 Google Chromebooks project, Zipbooks, and Books4U, among others.

Supplies, Products and Equipment

  • Califa provides discounts with selected vendors, including 3M/Checkpoint (security systems, tags and RFID).
  • Library supplies and equipment are also available through the Califa contract with Gaylord, BroDart and The Library Store.
  • Califa members may take advantage of an aggregated order for AWE Early Literacy Stations.

Membership Fees

  • $500 -- 100 or more FTE staff
  • $400 -- 16 to 99 FTE staff
  • $300 -- 6 to 15 FTE staff
  • $200 -- 2 to 5 FTE staff
  • $100 -- Small Library with 1 or fewer FTE staff
  • $150 -- Library Consortium/Network/System/Organization Headquarters

Become a member now!